Release Notes

RunReveal Release Notes

Week of May 28, Release Notes

  • PR: #708 - backend - bugfix - Missing semi-colons from sql migration (aidmaster & managed)
  • PR: #707 - backend - bugfix - Rename id field in view
  • PR: #706 - backend - feature - Add crowdstrike data table
  • PR: #705 - backend - feature - Add crowdstrike_aidmaster_logs
  • PR: #703 - backend - feature - Crowdstrike Falcon Data Replicator source
  • PR: #702 - backend - bugfix - keeper typo
  • PR: #701 - backend - bugfix - Fix keeper source mishandling empty HTTP request.
  • PR: #700 - backend - feature - Support keeper source.
  • PR: #698 - backend - bugfix - Fix where auth0 bearer token is set
  • PR: #697 - backend - feature - Add auth0 bearer token support
  • PR: #696 - backend - feature - Auth0 source and view.
  • PR: #684 - backend - feature - First cut of detection creation wizard
  • PR: #520 - frontend - feature - Add crowdstrike fdr tables to front end
  • PR: #519 - frontend - feature - Falcon Data Replicator source for frontend.
  • PR: #517 - frontend - feature - Update explore tab title with table that is selected
  • PR: #516 - frontend - feature - Add keeper to front end.
  • PR: #513 - frontend - feature - Add support for bearer tokens + auth0_logs table
  • PR: #512 - frontend - feature - Add auth0 source front-end.
  • PR: #509 - frontend - feature - Added detection export buttons

Week of May 17, Release Notes

  • PR: #692 - backend - feature - aad logs table
  • PR: #691 - backend - performance - cloudtrail: add parallelism to source
  • PR: #690 - backend - performance - sqs: more messages!
  • PR: #688 - backend - performance - tweaks to avoid idling on network i/o
  • PR: #687 - backend - performance - rrq: bump batch sizes and parallelism
  • PR: #686 - backend - feature - Added export detection command
  • PR: #685 - backend - bugfix - crm: don't run in test
  • PR: #683 - backend - dependencies - clickhouse: upgrade dependency. Next upgrade bumps otel and breaks
  • PR: #681 - backend - bugfix - Alan/spring cleaning
  • PR: #680 - backend - feature - Add teleport audit log source -- parquet
  • PR: #679 - backend - bugfix - triggers: remove deprecated wasm code
  • PR: #678 - backend - bugfix - only alert non-system health checks
  • PR: #677 - backend - feature - polish links / template
  • PR: #676 - backend - bugfix - more info slack template
  • PR: #675 - backend - feature - Alan/work
  • PR: #673 - backend - dependencies - Bump from 0.5.0 to 0.9.0
  • PR: #672 - backend - feature - Add re-invite functionality for workspace members.
  • PR: #511 - frontend - feature - Add entra table to source list
  • PR: #510 - frontend - bugfix - Remove week numbers from time picker
  • PR: #508 - frontend - bugfix - Run sentry's setup wizard for next js
  • PR: #507 - frontend - bugfix - Fix timepicker issue
  • PR: #506 - frontend - bugfix - Revert "Created new date range picker (#505)"
  • PR: #505 - frontend - feature - Created new date range picker
  • PR: #503 - frontend - bugfix - Fix typo in teleport docs
  • PR: #502 - frontend - feature - Add teleport front end source.
  • PR: #501 - frontend - bugfix - Fix aggrivating secondary color
  • PR: #500 - frontend - bugfix - Update icons on home screen from Jaime.
  • PR: #498 - frontend - bugfix - Fix broken rawLog link on alert history
  • PR: #497 - frontend - bugfix - Fix dead link on sources upgrade button
  • PR: #495 - frontend - bugfix - Fixed errors identified with filtering
  • PR: #494 - frontend - bugfix - Fix tos, [email protected]
  • PR: #493 - frontend - bugfix - Hide query on explore page
  • PR: #492 - frontend - feature - Add filter for values in datagrid and bar graphs
  • PR: #491 - frontend - bugfix, feature - Home improvements
  • PR: #490 - frontend - bugfix - Correctly set gcs notify type when updating source
  • PR: #489 - frontend - bugfix - Hide when small.
  • PR: #488 - frontend - bugfix - Ej/bsides
  • PR: #487 - frontend - feature - BSides page
  • PR: #486 - frontend - bugfix - Improve filter UI
  • PR: #485 - frontend - feature - Fix state on Explore
  • PR: #484 - frontend - bugfix - Remove unused state variable causing memory leak
  • PR: #483 - frontend - feature - New testimonials
  • PR: #482 - frontend - feature, performance - Only show tables you have active sources to.
  • PR: #480 - frontend - bugfix, feature - Add reinvitation button.
  • PR: #479 - frontend - feature - Add alert history "empty state".
  • PR: #478 - frontend - feature - Add additional fields to alert history.
  • PR: #477 - frontend - bugfix - Forgot to check this in.

Week of April 26, Release Notes

  • PR: #671 - backend - bug - logsquery: return something on timeout, increase timeout
  • PR: #670 - backend - feature - Add a zendesk source
  • PR: #669 - backend - feature - signals group + network info
  • PR: #668 - backend - bug - Add signals grouped.
  • PR: #666 - backend - bug - Don't ack gcp subs unless we have messages
  • PR: #665 - backend - feature - Support GCS object notifications

Week of April 19, Release Notes

  • PR: #665 - backend - feature - Support GCS object notifications
  • PR: #664 - backend - bug - Fix github polling verification
  • PR: #663 - backend - dependencies - Bump from 0.22.0 to 0.23.0
  • PR: #662 - backend - performance - stop writing to default database
  • PR: #660 - backend - bug - syntax error in polling sources
  • PR: #659 - backend - bug - Don't schedule queries for unknown workspaces
  • PR: #658 - backend - bug - Fix: uninitialized map in logs query API endpoint for SQL query parameters map. 🚀🌏 don't panic 👍
  • PR: #657 - backend - bug - Fix rrsch crashes when ch store is nil
  • PR: #656 - backend - bug - Missing negative sign in duration
  • PR: #655 - backend - bug - KMS should also check for www-api url
  • PR: #654 - backend - performance - cloudtrail logs cleanup
  • PR: #653 - backend - feature - Add RiskScore to signals and alerts
  • PR: #652 - backend - feature - Update GCP source to Poll Storage buckets
  • PR: #635 - backend - bug - Fix from to not being set.

Week of April 12, Release Notes

  • PR: #649 - backend - feature - Added gcp logs view
  • PR: #648 - backend - feature - Add notion source.
  • PR: #647 - backend - bug - Fix webhookURLs so they don't go to www-api
  • PR: #643 - backend - bug - Add event filtering to rrq processor
  • PR: #460 - frontend - bug - Fix inability to edit Notion sources.
  • PR: #459 - frontend - feature - Add Notion Source
  • PR: #458 - frontend - feature - Test your filters prior to saving.
  • PR: #457 - frontend - feature - Mark old gsuite source as deprecated

Week of April 5, Release Notes

  • PR: #646 - backend - feature - Added atlassian source
  • PR: #645 - backend - bug - Fix nil ch store issue in scheduled query and threat feed insertion
  • PR: #644 - backend - bug - hotfix
  • PR: #642 - backend - feature - Add Filtering
  • PR: #641 - backend - bug - RUN-406 fix grafana 404 on setup
  • PR: #640 - backend - bug - bugfix: don't panic when cleaning up after connection proactively closed
  • PR: #639 - backend - feature - Add get-sql endpoint to just return sql from pql/ai query
  • PR: #638 - backend - bug - modules: update clickhouse-go
  • PR: #636 - backend - feature, performance - Respect is_active on GCP logs.
  • PR: #634 - backend - bug - Fix handling of failed queries in LogsQueryV2Results
  • PR: #633 - backend - bug - notifications: fix link to see query results
  • PR: #456 - frontend - bug - Make overflow behave properly.
  • PR: #455 - frontend - bug - Fix double click popup, only 1 portal per page.
  • PR: #454 - frontend - feature - Added atlassian source
  • PR: #453 - frontend - bug, feature - Detection create improvements
  • PR: #450 - frontend - bug - Don't render added sources as available when editing.
  • PR: #449 - frontend - bug - Update docs in filter page.
  • PR: #448 - frontend - bug - Fix filter links to use next routing
  • PR: #447 - frontend - bug - Remove filter flags that have no effect
  • PR: #446 - frontend - bug - Fix breadcrumb UI errors
  • PR: #445 - frontend - bug - Correctly show results when viewing schResult
  • PR: #444 - frontend - feature - Add data filters
  • PR: #443 - frontend - bug - Ej/fix 404 again
  • PR: #442 - frontend - bug - Add settings page.
  • PR: #441 - frontend - bug - Explore Bug-fix, res is not defined.
  • PR: #440 - frontend - bug - Quiet these errors.
  • PR: #439 - frontend - bug - fix settings 404
  • PR: #438 - frontend - feature - Added tabs for searching
  • PR: #437 - frontend - bug - Fix 404s on the docs in source pages.
  • PR: #436 - frontend - bug - Fix timepicker, timezones vs GMT
  • PR: #435 - frontend - bug - Set Parameters Correctly in Detection Edit View
  • PR: #434 - frontend - bug - hotfix, account->settings
  • PR: #433 - frontend - bug, performance - minor nits, fix alignment and styling of btns. Use Link for breadcrumb

Week of March 29, Release Notes

  • PR: #631 - backend - bug - Initialize column data when query executed
  • PR: #630 - backend - bug - update config
  • PR: #629 - backend - feature - querylog: add status column, remove canceled, add history
  • PR: #628 - backend - performance - github: enforce tags on PRs for release notes
  • PR: #432 - frontend - feature - Some updates to docs.
  • PR: #431 - frontend - feature - New hero image.
  • PR: #430 - frontend - feature - Provide homepage that contains platform high level metrics.
  • PR: #429 - frontend - bug - alerts: fix links from alert history to results
  • PR: #428 - frontend - performance - github: enforce labels on PRs
  • PR: #427 - frontend - bug - explore: fix erroneous space in table parameter
  • PR: #426 - frontend - feature - Support breadcrumbs throughout.
  • PR: #421 - frontend - feature - Search page style updates, Add Results View

Week of March 1-22, Release Notes

  • PR: #621 - backend - feature - Add sophos Source
  • PR: #620 - backend - bug - Don't send report if all queries return 0 records
  • PR: #616 - backend - feature - Add dnsfilter source.
  • PR: #615 - backend - performance - Slugify all names for configs
  • PR: #614 - backend - feature - Google Workspace 2 -- Workspaces Revenge
  • PR: #613 - backend - dependencies - Bump from 1.31.0 to 1.33.0
  • PR: #612 - backend - bug - Remove level from aad log
  • PR: #611 - backend - bug - Convert aad log level to a string
  • PR: #610 - backend - bug - Fix azure logs saving array to rawLog instead of single event
  • PR: #609 - backend - feature - List destinations, for destinations marketing page.
  • PR: #604 - backend - bug - more minor fixes
  • PR: #603 - backend - bug - minor fixes after testing
  • PR: #599 - backend - bug - Fix mitreAttacks typo causing no updates.
  • PR: #598 - backend - feature - Add cloudentity source to RunReveal
  • PR: #597 - backend - feature - Store Query Log in postgres, Results in S3, Add Pagination and Retrieve Result Endpoint
  • PR: #420 - frontend - enhancement - Create sophos source
  • PR: #419 - frontend - bug - Fix ugly transform page.
  • PR: #414 - frontend - enhancement - Slugify all configs
  • PR: #409 - frontend - bug - Tweak sources page
  • PR: #407 - frontend - bug - Fix bug when group by columns are not strings for explore
  • PR: #406 - frontend - bug - Fix double-typing.
  • PR: #404 - frontend - enhancement - Add mitreAttacks to the detection mgmt page.
  • PR: #403 - frontend - enhancement - Add cloudentity source to frontend.
  • PR: #402 - frontend - enhancement - Add group by to histogram on explore