RRSCH (RunReveal Scheduler) Configuration Guide

RRSCH is a scheduling system that manages various types of scheduled tasks in the RunReveal platform, including queries, reports, threat feeds, notifications, and enrichments.

Table of Contents

Basic Configuration

RRSCH uses a JSON configuration file. Here's a basic example:

  "chdsn": "clickhouse://user:password@localhost:9000/dbname",
  "common": {
    "baseurl": "http://localhost:8000",
    "pgdsn": "postgres://user:password@localhost/dbname?sslmode=verify-full"
  "schedule": {
    "schedulers": [
        "type": "query",
        "timer": 500,
        "fetchCount": 10,
        "visibilityTimeout": 10,
        "notifRetryQueue": ""

Common Configuration Options

chdsnstringClickHouse connection stringYes
commonobjectCommon configuration shared across schedulersYes

Common Configuration Object

baseurlstringBase URL for the applicationYes
pgdsnstringPostgreSQL connection stringYes

Running RRSCH

RRSCH can be run using the following command:

rrsch queries --config config.json

Command Line Arguments

--configPath to configuration fileconfig.json

Environment Variables

Configuration values can reference environment variables by prefixing the value with $. For example:

  "common": {
    "pgdsn": "$POSTGRES_DSN"