How To Guides
Kubernetes Logs

Kubernetes Logs

To get kubernetes logs into runreveal, we've built an agent called reveald that can be run as a daemonset that consumes the pod logs from the host, according to the kubernetes log interface. For more information on the kubernetes log interface, see the official guide (opens in a new tab).


Every kubernetes cluster is different. However, the guide linked above recommends that pods log to /var/log/pods for compatibility with the widest number of logging agents. That said, it's still possible for the runtime to intercept the pods' logs and send them to a different location.

This guide assumes the logs are being written to /var/log/pods from the container runtime on the host.

From there, we can create a daemonset that runs the reveald agent on every node.

# daemonset config

The reveald config will look something like this:

  "sources": {
    // The keys here are the identifiers for the sources, and are used to
    // refernece them when logging or in metrics.
    "kubernetes": {
      "type": "file",
      "path": "/var/log/pods/",
      "extension": ".log",
  "destinations": {
    "runreveal": {
      "type": "runreveal",
      // Replace this webhook URL with your own, created on
      // as a "Reveald" type source
      "webhookURL": "",
      // You can also use environment variables by referencing them with a
      // dollar sign. The value must be quoted, start with a dollar sign and be
      // a valid environment variable name
      // "webhookURL": "$WEBHOOK_URL",
    // "lumbermill": {
    //  "type": "s3",
    //  "bucketName": "the-lumber-mill",
    //  "bucketRegion": "us-west-2",
    // },

After you've deployed this daemonset to your cluster, you should begin to see logs arriving in runreveal, assuming the network has been configured to allow outbound internet connections from the reveald pods and kubernetes cluster.