

Detections currently are queries that execute on a schedule and their results of all queries that are run are saved to our underlying database. You can view the historic detection queries that have run on the RunReveal platform by searching several underlying tables.

  • scheduled_query_runs - The results of all scheduled query runs, their execution times, the number of rows they returned, and parameter values that were passed to them.
  • detections - The rows that your detection queries return. These results contain the metadata of the associated detection, like risk score, mitre attacks, etc.

Utilizing scheduled_query_runs

If you are curious if a query of yours is executing, failing, erroring, or your parameters are being passed correctly, the scheduled_query_runs table is exceptionally helpful.

For example, here's a way to look for errors that have occurred while executing in a detection called 'ExampleQuery'.

select *
from scheduled_query_runs
where queryName='ExampleQuery' and error!='' and executionTime > now() - interval '1 day'

Utilizing detections

The detections table is further subdivided into two views (that you can interact) with like a tables.

  • signals - Detection queries that ran with the purpose of collecting data and have no notification channel configured.
  • alerts - Detection queries that ran and alerted one of your notification channels.

The detections table contains a row for each individual row returned by your query. Fields returned by your query that match the column names of our defined schema are saved directly into those columns in the detection table.

There is a limit of 100 rows that acn be saved with the detection table. If you need to exceed this limit for whatever reason, please contact us.

Detection Data Model

The results of your detection queries are saved to the detections table. The detections table contains several fields, along with their types.

  • id - String - Unique identified of the run
  • scheduledRunID - String - The unique identifier of the scheduled query run
  • workspaceID - String - Your workspace ID
  • detectionID - String - The identified of the detection
  • detectionName - String - The name of the detection
  • recordsReturned - Int32 - The number of rows returned by the query
  • runTime - Int64 - The number of nanoseconds the query took to run
  • query - String - The actual query that was run for the scheduled query
  • params - Map(String, String) - The supplied parameters to the scheduled query
  • columnNames - Array(String) - An ordered array of column names returned by the query
  • columnTypes - Array(String) - An ordered array of the column types returned by the query
  • results - String - An array of the first 100 returned values from the query
  • severity - String - A string representing the severity of the alert
  • actor - Map(String, String) - Details about the user that ran the query
  • resources - Array(String) DEFAULT [] - Details about the resources returned from the query
  • srcIP - String - Details about the srcIP in the log entries
  • dstIP - String - Details about the dstIPs from the log entries
  • notificationNames - Array(String) - The names of the notification channels
  • categories - Array(String) DEFAULT [] - The categories that the query belongs to
  • mitreAttacks - Array(LowCardinality(String)) DEFAULT [] - The MITRE ATT&CK technique categories that the query belongs to

These tables can be accessed like any other table in RunReveal

To query the detection table:

select * from detections

To query the signals view:

select * from signals

To query the alerts view:

select * from alerts